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Cowboys vs Zombies Escape Room

Cowboys vs Zombies

Scary • Live Escape Room

Play your own movie...

You decided to go out drinking one night and wake up here.. In jail
You have no recollection of the night before and have been waiting hours for the sheriff to show up and explain to you what happened
Growing hungry you start to shout for the sheriff but are met with a loud thud on the window.. It's the sheriff but he’s been turned into a zombie..

This is a redesigned Wild West Room, same puzzels just scary.
WARNING: Flashing lights with stroboscope in the room. Please consider all related health concerns you may have.

Escape Room Difficulty: Medium The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same. Does your group have what it takes to escape?
For 2-7 Players
From age: 12
Game duration: 60 minutes

Look around in the room

  • Room Photo (1)